Lynne Ligot |
I have been interested in the visual arts most of my life but mostly as a spectator. However, since retiring from a career as a mathematics teacher in the New York City public schools I have been exploring the creative side of the visual arts. Most of my work has been in watercolor but recently I have been expanding into guache and acrylic paints. Since I am still experimenting, no style has been established. Having fun.
Diane Malagreca |
My own quote is “Art is always with you”. My love of drawing comes from my mother Giovanna (Jean) Delicio who was an accomplished working artist in the 1940’s. My sister Maria Pollard is an abstract artist and my late uncle Rolando Delicio was also an artist. We are a family of creative individuals, musicians, opera singers, chanteuses, artists and designers. So being exposed to art was an education that began in my grandmother’s home.
Being accepted to Parson’s School of Design in 1976 was exciting, however, I work working at a bank and was reluctant to pursue a fine arts degree. My initial interest was evening gown design. So, I worked in business for many years, but did take courses at the Art Students League and studied (unstructured courses) with Dale Myers and Mario Cooper, two well-known water color artists. I also took some classes at the ArtLab, one stained glass class with the talented Chris Travers which I enjoyed and then some watercolor classes with the talented Kathy Fieramosca.I am self-taught and work with pen, pencils, conte sticks, charcoal and watercolors. I am looking forward to learning to work with other mediums and learning new techniques day by day. |
Rose Stella Proscia |
Rose Stella Proscia, born in Staten Island, New York, is a second generation Italian American who has been enjoying art work since at least age six when she received a Jon Gnagy charcoal set from her parents. During her grade school years, she did various forms of art work including water color landscapes, simple needlepoint, designing and sewing of doll clothes, drawing and painting of school play sceneries, creating literary dioramas, as well as designing board games. Her art work continued at the junior high level under the direction of her art teacher, Mrs. Ferrando. As a high school student, she studied Art and Creative Writing while keeping busy sewing her own clothing as well as dresses for neighborhood children. During her undergraduate years at Wagner College, Staten Island, New York, Rose studied drawing under Professor Richard Gaffney. She holds a B.A. in Sociology, Magna Cum Laude, from Wagner as well as a M.S.E. in Adolescent Education-Social Studies from CUNY College of Staten Island. She had a long career as a Bi-lingual (Italian) Social Insurance Specialist with the Social Security Administration where she created and presented training programs for the Administration’s bi-lingual Italian interviewers. In retirement, she provides child care for her grandchildren, has a part time job as a Customer Service Associate, serves as a Reading Volunteer for kindergarten students, takes piano lessons, sings in a church choir, teaches Bible classes for children and pre-teens, speaks at a local Toastmasters club, and practices her artistry at a local Jewish Community Center as well as the South Shore Artists group.
Friederike (Rikki) Botte |
German born artist from Kaiserslautern-Rheinland Pfalz, Rikki is a self-taught artist who works in diverse mediums including aquarelle, pen and ink, acrylics and pastels. Occasionally, she will experiment with natural elements,salt, coffee, lace and whatever works for her to bring out a desired effect in her essential art. Rikki's art is a sea of profound loveliness. Emphasizing a true character of love of nature. Her work is reflective, enthusiastic, brilliant, imaginative, with emphasis on color, movement, composition, and wonderful structure, That leave us with an overjoyed sensation of lights at play. She interprets the beauty of nature with her own touch of modern mystique and her creations are a wonderful complement to nature herself. To possess the freedom to create with no limits; for me this is true art". She exhibits both in her native land in Germany and in the USA.
Arlene Ajello |
Arlene Ajello is a figurative painter whose favorite medium is oil. Her exquisite lines, shapes and forms inspire depth of her subject's soul. We find beauty and truth in all her paintings and she captivates with an homage to life. All of her works have movement and seem to come alive before our eyes, capturing light and shadow, the intricacies of the body, expression, emotion and the delicate state of being human. Arlene Ajello's interest in art started very young. She couldn't wait for art class. In high school learned to sketch with a pencil and charcoal, from that point on she was self-taught.
Life's journey took her onto a family with three children. The drive to paint was always there. She started painting oils while her younger children were young. After working full-time for many years, in 2010 she joined a talented group of artists at the South Shore Artist Group. Arlene's favorite medium is oil. She also paints in watercolor and other mediums. Into 2010, Arlene enrolled in classes at the Art Lab and studied under talented artists there. She is always trying to learn more techniques, medium to enrich her joy of painting. |
Maureen Powers |
I went to college and studied art and English. I loved both, but Art had colors and ever since I was little colors made me happy. My parents said I shouldn't be a visual artist because they didn't make any money, so I studied education as an after thought and taught, but colors were in my veins and they ran around my head and they never left my mind. I always worked on my Art at home but time was limited with work and my growing family. I loved teaching my school kids which was a good thing and got to teach Art every summer. When the millennium came in, a secret dream of mine came true. I got a job teaching Art full-time in a beautiful brand-new school with great kids and a wise administrator who knew how important colors were for the soul. I think they secretly made her happy too. It was heaven. It was in that school that I worked with my children on a huge tile mural installation that will be there forever, and help make little people happy through color and line and a world of no mistakes. The world of Art; My world!
Carolyn O'Brien |
My name is Carolyn (Szmokaluk) O'Brien...76 years of age and enjoy life. After working and retiring from both the public and private sectors and providing home care, I decided it was time for myself. Always likedart, so at 73 I audited classes at CSI, joined SS Harbor and the JCC. I've met and learned from some lovely, helpful, talented and inspiring people along the way. Now, hopefully I will be able to participate and
learn from accomplished artists. I've dabbled in watercolor, acrylic,oil, figure drawing and pastels. |
Susan Ippolito |
God has given me a gift. That gift is joy – – the joy I get by putting drops of color onto paper. The miracle is the picture that evolves from those drops of watercolor. Sometimes I like these paintings, but I always love the process. My love of watercolors began about 15 years ago in Sal Busacca's class at Art Lab, Snug Harbor, Staten Island, NY.
I have shown and sold my paintings at various shows around Staten Island including the Conference House Show, the Fence Show at Snug Harbor, St. Charles Mission Center, Alice Austen House, Art Lab, Muddy Cup, South Shore Artist Group Show at St. Albans Church and restaurants such as Jimmy Max. I belong to the South Shore Artist Group of which I was President for two terms. I have taught watercolor classes at Art Lab and have also given private lessons on a one on one basis. I thank God for my gifts. |
Jeannine Restucci |
Any form of art has always been fun for me. Whether it was just drawing while on the telephone or borrowing my children’s art supplies, I loved it! My art career began because I preferred to make cards rather than purchase them. I thought about taking lessons but never did. I came home one day and my husband informed me that he had signed me up for a watercolor class. That started a series of classes at Snug Harbor Susan Wagner Adult Education and other classes on Staten Island. One of my workers convinced me to join him in an oil painting class he was attending and I was immediately hooked on it. I loved painting with oils from the very first and it continues to be my favorite, although I still do watercolor cards for Christmas and special occasions.